Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Blogging - a few thoughts

As someone who is very new to blogging, I still have a lot to learn. There are so many blogs out there, and the approaches taken by the authors vary greatly.

As regards institutional library blogs, I agree with what Liz has to say about the difference between blogs and websites, and the potential of the former to engage readers. Writing interesting posts takes time, of course. The more people an institution has to contribute to its blog, the better it is likely to be.

I've found writing my first blog posts quite daunting. All of the blogs that contribute to the 23 Things programme have a common goal: to document our progress and share our thoughts as we learn more about Web 2.0 tools. Although I have found it helpful to read what others have written, the thought of others reading my posts (as unlikely as it is because I've fallen quite behind) means I have been saving my posts for ages before publishing them, and have not yet been able to fight the temptation to edit published posts. These are things that I suspect an experienced blogger would not do!

Photo credits: Blog Marketing up Close Word Blog Graphi[c] by websuccessdiva on Flickr. Some rights reserved under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.